mercoledì 25 marzo 2015

Week 9: Knowledge

Since 1991 the World Wide Web has entered our daily life and changed the way we relate to each other. A lot has been said about this, mainly to prove how things were better before. But Internet can be an incredible resource as well, if used wisely. There is so much knowledge available to everyone everywhere in the world, and it is unbelievable how easy it is to access it nowadays.

As it happens someone posted a message on one of the Facebook groups I am part of, sharing the information of a free online course starting soon. The subject was Filmmaking and I immediately thought: “How interesting!” So I subscribed myself and for 6 weeks I followed the classes from my house, at my own time and pace. Of course it is not like taking a practical course, but I have to say that the way it was structured was interesting. There would be interviews with many professional. Each week would focus on a different aspect of filmmaking, giving you tools and advices to know better how to start scheduling and imagining a low budget movie shoot.

Taking part to this course has not made me a Filmmaker (yet?), but I have more knowledge now about it. And about how amazing the Internet world is. There is so much available out there one could spend the whole day learning something new. So I should start using this tool more wisely and productively.

Here is the link to the site that offered the course:

Do you know of any other interesting websites I should look into?


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