sabato 21 marzo 2015

Week 8: Legend has it....

Legend has it that a small seaside town, Gaeta, was named after the hero Enea’s  wet nurse, Caieta. He would have buried her here before continuing his trip from Troy to the coast of Lazio.

Another legend has it that the same town’s name comes from Aietes, legendary father of Medea, daughter of Circe.
Legend has it that near this town there is a cracked mountain. The mountain split during Christ’s death, when the veil of Gerusalem’s Temple was broken.
Legend has it that a Turkish sailor, who did not believed the story about the origin of the cracked mountain, touched the rock of the mountain. In that very moment the rock became as soft as butter and his hand-print was forever nestled on the mountain’s wall; and it is still visible to visitors to this very day.
Legend has it that San Filippo Neri lived inside the mountain. His bed made of rock can still be found and seen today.
Legend has it that a girl travelling around that town fell in love with it, and was enchanted by it’s legends. She cannot wait to be back to discover new myths and have the chance to again admire that beautiful landscape soon.


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