lunedì 16 marzo 2015

Week 6: A Walk in Time

Today is such a sunny day. It was quite a long time since the last day like this. Mount Vesuvius can be seen clearly on the horizon. The temperature is getting finally warmer. There is nothing I like more than a sunny day of early spring. I’ve planned my whole day already. A day with myself. With myself and my city, Pompeii.

I walk through the streets towards the market. I have to take extra care of the wagons, drivers here are not very attentive of pedestrians. Better use the pedestrian crossing.
Pedestrian crossing

Via dell'Abbondanza
The forum is full of people, as usual. Many women are walking around with their slaves doing the grocery shopping for the whole week. And I do my shopping too. I had forgotten how talkative the butcher was. He kept me there talking about the weather and the new pigs he just bought for ages. Luckily a old and demanding womanrequired his attention, and I was safe.

I found shelter at the thermae, where I allowed myself to get pampered by the hot water baths and the steam. I deserved some relax and some chatting with some of my friends who I often meet here.

It is now lunch time. I cannot wait to go to the thermopolium just around the corner, get some meat and some bread, and enjoy my lunch sitting in the sun in the green park just outside the theatre. I might also get to listen to the show that takes place in the afternoon. Today I feel really happy.
thermopolium, the fast food of ancient romans

A girl gives the first, hungry bite at her sandwich while admiring the ruins of the forum of Pompeii. Few minutes before she was choosing her lunch in the little tourist café that is not very far.  The Vesuvius can be seen on the horizon.

I look at her, and I start thinking about how little our life has changed since those times in which this city was inhabited. Men take care of their basic needs in very similar ways since ages. Fear, hopes, dreams and daily routine has not changed much throughout the millennia. Progress and technology are just embellishments. In no other place you can come to realize that the roots of human life has not changed much throughout the centuries. And that human being are always all the same in their substance, no matter which era or part of the world they live in.

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