mercoledì 25 marzo 2015

Week 10: A smile upon my face

For this week’s post I had to sacrifice myself. I had to do something really challenging and difficult. I received a message from a friend asking me to help her out and be a model for her. This kind of modeling especially requires lots of hard work, but I wanted to be helpful so I said: “sure, I’ll help you out”.
I had to get to East London on a beautiful Saturday morning and meet her to go to her school. Once there I received an hour long facial treatment (that was be my friend’s exam).
First of all she showed me into the room and her spa beauty station. I was asked to lay down and relax. And the treatment started. She checked my skin type, which I will not share with you, so that I’ll keep some mystery around myself. ;-)
She then proceeded in removing my light make up and cleansing my face.
The next step was a 20 minutes long face and neck massage during the which I was asked to completely relax and let go of stress, and of all the tensions of the past week.
My face was then pampered with a mask, and I received a hands and arms massage to complete the relaxation process.
Last procedure was removing the mask and adding some almond oil to moisturize my skin.
And the hour was gone. It was difficult to get back to my day. I was so relaxed I could have just gone to sleep. Instead I carried on enjoying the warm weather keeping a relaxed state of mind that lasted all day.
Life can be very though at times! J

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