domenica 3 maggio 2015

Week 14: Cambridge

London is a great city, fun, alive, full of resources. It is a city from which you feel the need to escape, to get away from its busy streets, from its rhythm, to seek some peace and silence. Where to go? Where to seek shelter without having to go too far away?
Boarding a coach from Victoria with some friends, here I go to the chosen destination: Cambridge. Once there we could not find ourselves in something more British: old buildings, universities and grey sky and the well known light rain that is always associated with England.
We walked through town for the whole afternoon, exploring the universities campuses, the churches, and avoiding all those shops that can be found everywhere in the world. Every time we got to the main square, a different young student from one of the universities would try to sell us their boat tour. If the first time we were considering it, by the fifth our will to go on a boat with the rain was non-existing. We’d rather save money and walk around this perfect British landscape.
And to end properly this day, there was no better option than a burger and a pint in one of the pubs, before boarding the bus that would get us back to chaotic and noisy central London.


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