mercoledì 7 gennaio 2015

Week 1: The Beginning

What a month this last December was! I had never been invited to so many “leaving parties” in all my life. Some decided to explore South America for 6 months, some other left to discover wild Australia, someone else chose South-East Asia as the destination for a new chapter of their life. And I started to ask myself lots of questions. What about me then?  What am I doing? Am I making the most of my life or am I hiding behind my laziness? Should I leave as well?
I started dreaming about packing my bag and head to some exotic Country, being well aware that I would not do it for real, not for now at least. I have been travelling a lot in the past years, and I do not think it’s the right moment to interrupt everything I’ve been trying to build so far, to go into some far away adventure. I want the adventure though. But how?
Why am I so fascinated by those experiences my friends decided to undertake? What am I missing in my life? It’s the discovery, the challenge, the idea that those experiences will enrich their souls and help them to get to know themselves better. And I do need all of this right now. There is no need to reach the other side of the world to spice my life up a little. Therefore here I am, writing these words and opening this blog. I dare myself to succeed in my new year’s resolution. I will challenge myself every week, to try something new, something I have never experienced before. Everything is allowed: trips, places, activities, ethnic cuisines, etc.
A year is made by fiftytwo weeks. This year I will try to undertake fiftytwo different experiences, fiftytwo  challenges, fiftytwo adventures and discover  fiftytwo new, unexperienced shades of my life.

1 commento:

  1. We will surely keep an eye on your blog, it sound very very interesting what you are about to start. Know that both of us are here for you even from the other side of the world!
